Tag Archive | seth godin

Marketing to the Bottom of the Pyramid

Vort Port is a non-profit, but we take pride in providing sustainable alternatives to people who truly need it. Those at the bottom don’t get the glitzy product announcements and packaging that the first-world does. They’re lucky if they get clean water!

But in a recent blog post from esteemed business and common sense writer Seth Godin, he makes the case for creating and marketing products for those who truly need them, whether for a profit or not. Seth’s always full of crazy sharp insight, and he doesn’t fail this time either, so be sure to check out his post.

If you don’t feel like reading (I have those days), well lucky you! Seth actually wrote his post based on the following video. It inspired him to hash out the importance of the people at the bottom, and why helping them will ultimately be good for everyone. Press play. It’s good.

(Sadly, the embed code isn’t working! But be sure to watch the video here on vimeo.)

What’s your opinion? That’s what we want!